Here at Telegenic Queen, we prepare our queens for on-camera readiness!
Welcome to Telegenic Queen's blog. We're here to take you to the next level in your on-camera presence. You prepare with your pageant coach, your interview coach and your walking coach, but how do you prepare for an on-camera interview? Well, we're here to help!
What does "telegenic" mean?
Telegenic: "having an appearance or manner that is appealing on television."
Being "telegenic" is all about making a connection with your audience. Not just any connection, but a personal connection. If you're successful, you can make anyone fall in love with you, your brand, and the system you represent.
Finding your confidence.
The way you stand, use your hands, how you angle yourself toward the camera, and where you look makes all the difference. Knowing the very basics of on-camera presence, not only helps you find your confidence but lets your audience feel it too. With that confidence, the sky is the limit.
Three Tips to Remember:
How to look and feel confident in front of the camera.
What to do with your hands? My biggest piece of advice, do what is comfortable to you. If you talk with your hands, use them, but use them wisely. Do NOT put them in front of your face for any reason. Do NOT "sit on" your hands. This makes you look uncomfortable and can come off as stiff.
Eye Contact: Make it. Make it with the camera, and with the interviewer. Do NOT stare into the camera's soul. Do NOT stare above, or below the camera.
Hmmmm's, Huhs, and Likes.... Do NOT at all cost use those words. It is very easy to rely on these words until you can get to your next thought.